Sustainability in Apparel Retail: Myth or Marketing Strategy?

Sustainability has become a catchphrase in the apparel retail industry, with brands touting eco-friendly practices, sustainable materials, and ethical production processes. But behind the greenwashed marketing campaigns, many argue that sustainability in apparel retail is more of a myth than a reality—an attractive strategy designed to appeal to the growing base of environmentally conscious consumers. […]

Global Marketing for Vietnam’s Garment Industry

Vietnam’s Garment Industry: A Rising Star in the Global Apparel Market Vietnam’s garment industry has emerged as a major global player, now the world’s third-largest textile and garment exporter with revenue projected to hit USD 3.56 billion by 2024. This success stems from a skilled workforce, supportive government policies, and key trade agreements like CPTPP […]

Why Textile and Apparel B2B Startups Are Failing: The Reality Behind the Struggles

The allure of the textile and apparel industry is undeniable. With its massive global market, there’s a perception that opportunities abound for those who enter the space. However, for every success story, there are numerous B2B startups in this sector that fail to make the cut. The reasons for this are multifaceted, but they all […]

Strengthening Bangladesh’s GMT Sector through Capacity Building

Vision 2030 for Bangladesh Gmt Sector $100 billion Considering our world’s reliance on fashion and sartorial expressions, have we ever reflected on the industry that propels it forward? Third-world countries like Bangladesh, known for their inexpensive labor, play a significant role in manufacturing these garments. Let’s dive deep into the intricacies of this industry in […]

Why Now is the Perfect Time for Apparel Factories to Focus on Operational Efficiencies

The apparel industry, renowned for its rapid pace and ever-evolving nature, faces an era of significant transformation. In the wake of global economic shifts, technological advancements, and increasing consumer demands for sustainability and quality, apparel factories must optimize their operations to stay competitive. This juncture presents the perfect opportunity for factories to work on enhancing […]