Reflections from the Frontlines: The Road Under Construction

“The road to success is always under construction.” Lily Tomlin. As I sit down to reflect on my career, I find myself hesitating. With nearly 24 years in the industry, many might say it’s time to look back, but I feel as though I’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of what there is […]

The Role of Data Analytics in Fashion Marketing and Consumer Behavior Analysis

In the fast-changing fashion industry, data analytics is essential for understanding consumer behavior and crafting effective marketing strategies. This article examines its crucial role in fashion marketing and consumer analysis.   The Evolution of Fashion Marketing Fashion marketing once relied on intuition and broad demographics, but with e-commerce and social media, brands now use data […]

Why Textile and Apparel B2B Startups Are Failing: The Reality Behind the Struggles

The allure of the textile and apparel industry is undeniable. With its massive global market, there’s a perception that opportunities abound for those who enter the space. However, for every success story, there are numerous B2B startups in this sector that fail to make the cut. The reasons for this are multifaceted, but they all […]

Backward Linkage in Bangladesh

Introduction Bangladesh’s garment manufacturing industry stands as a true economic powerhouse. It’s the second-largest apparel exporter globally, boasting a staggering $84 billion in exports for 2023 (BTMA, 2024). This remarkable achievement can be attributed to a combination of factors, but one often-overlooked element is the crucial role of backward linkages. Imagine the garment industry as […]